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An incredible gourmet recipe made in Paris by 2 Pizzaitalianacademy instructors

Our trainees the most willing, the most capable, those who really believe in our school can really go ahead. This is yet another example of two students who have embarked on a career as pizza makers on their own, have opened a pizzeria and are now teaching in Paris also thanks to the collaboration stipulated with Pizzaitalianacademy.

Their pizza is a gourmet, high hydration pizza that has gone towards the tastes of the French, who are more fond of creams and the like. So they adapted their way of working.

This can only be done if you follow a course for pizza maker valid and complete, like ours.

Pizza chef uniforms

Professional clothing for Pizzaoli

Fantastic uniforms, T-Shirts, Hats, Pants and Aprons for pizza chefs at exceptional prices to buy online.

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