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AC PIZZAITALIANACADEMY (PIA) intends to pursue with determination and continuity a Policy aimed at Quality and customer satisfaction. Given the imperative need to guarantee compliance with legal requirements and maximum customer satisfaction, the Organization intends to implement a program of actions that will allow, over time, to improve its performance.

The above stated results in establishing well-defined objectives for Quality and in monitoring the effectiveness of the actions implemented to achieve them as well as in the analysis of the Context, of the Risk and in the management of the expectations of the interested parties. With the clear desire to meet customer needs and mandatory requirements, the company has set itself the following objectives:

  • ensure compliance with all legislative, contractual and other requirements;
  • the improvement of the image and reputation of the Organization on the market;
  • the maximum satisfaction of the interested parties with particular attention to communication, support and customer assistance;
  • define, implement and maintain an effective Quality Management System in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard
  • communicate its policy to interested parties;
  • monitor the behavior of suppliers / partners to ensure compliance with legislative requirements and compliance with qualitative aspects;

With regard to the commitment to continuous improvement, the company defines and implements an improvement program, based on the following activities:

  • customer satisfaction monitoring;
  • planning of the activities necessary for the implementation of the Management System;
  • optimization of business activities;

The Management undertakes to make available all the necessary resources so that the Quality Management System can be implemented in the best possible way.

Casamassima, 01/02/2018

ISO 9001 certification

Customer satisfaction questionnaire

Rev. 0 of 01/02/2018

Indicates satisfaction (1 not satisfied at all - 5 very satisfied)

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